If you want to apply for the Research Project with Anya Cloud & Makisig Akin please fill in the application form below! 

Please prepare all your documents in English and in PDF format beforehand and fill in the application form all at once – your information cannot be stored temporarily!

The receipt of your application will be confirmed via email. If you do not receive an email within a few hours after the submission, please check your spam folder or contact the Workshop Office (workshopoffice@impulstanz.com) to verify that your application has been received.

Please note that a one time application fee of 50 euro applies to all research applications (danceWEB and ATLAS participants excluded). With the payment of this fee, the application is binding and obliges you to pay the fee of the research project in case of acceptance. The application fee is then included in the project fee. 


What’s Love Got To Do With It? with ANYA CLOUD & MAKISIG AKIN

Field Project
Week 1 10:00 – 16:00

This queer love centered field project has the queer survival practice of time travel, community, performance and ritual at its core. The exploration includes grand gestures, contact improvisation, the singing of love songs and hot sweaty dancing, but also deals with questions of how the politics of identities and positionalities inform us. The field project aims to examine the possibilities that arise when love trumps fear, and in particular welcomes queer, trans and/or BIPoC dancers who focus on improvisation and identity politics already.


Additional note from the field project leaders ANYA CLOUD & MAKISIG AKIN

We are particularly compelled to work with research-oriented dancers/movers who are queer, trans, and/or BIPoC who are already invested in practices of improvisation and identity politics. If you don't identify as queer, trans, and/or BIPoC, but you are an ally and invested in the topics of our work, you are welcome. We are curious about how your experience, questions, and research intersect with ours. There will be durational scored improvisational dancing practices that include physical contact, disorientation, momentum, impact, resting, and sharing. There will also be options and adaptations as needed. The research material includes building skills and practices of agency, consent, touch, positionality, generosity, endurance, risk-taking, decision-making, and collaboration. We will develop our individual and collective capacity through dancing and verbal discussion.

Personal Data
Artistic Data
Additional Data
With the transmission of personal data (e.g.: contact information, curriculum vitae, letter of motivation, photo, etc.) you agree that this data may be stored and electronically processed by the associations ImPulsTanz/Wiener Tanzwochen/danceWEB in accordance with the Data Protection Act for the purpose of processing and reviewing your application. The storage of your data, which is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation and legally covered according to Art 6 DSGVO, lasts up to 7 months after a possible rejection, in case of acceptance longer according to the legal deadlines.