If you want to submit a Deep Dive proposal for the ImPulsTanz Symposium for Dance and Other Contemporary Practices LACE #3: Materializing Touch, please fill in the application form below.

Please prepare all your documents in English and in PDF format beforehand and fill in the application form all at once – your information cannot be stored temporarily!

The receipt of your application will be confirmed via email. If you do not receive an email a few hours after the submission, please check your spam folder or contact symposium@impulstanz.com to verify that your application has been received.

Further information can be found here.

Personal Data
Artistic Data
Additional Data
With the transmission of personal data (e.g.: contact information, curriculum vitae, letter of motivation, photo, etc.) you agree that this data may be stored and electronically processed by the associations ImPulsTanz/Wiener Tanzwochen/danceWEB in accordance with the Data Protection Act for the purpose of processing and reviewing your application. The storage of your data, which is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation and legally covered according to Art 6 DSGVO, lasts up to 7 months after a possible rejection, in case of acceptance longer according to the legal deadlines.